The GRSCI board is made up of globally minded people who collaborate with a diverse group of volunteers, members, and the Grand Rapids community. Our board members have demonstrated their dedication to the program by following through on a variety of projects. Plus, they’re wonderful at sharing the amazing work GRSCI is doing to promote peace, respect, and mutual understanding between our six sister cities and the people of Grand Rapids. Everyone on our board loves to work internationally. They bring their own gifts to the organization and ask other to contribute time, talent, and treasures to achieve our mutual goals.

Board of Directors
Vice President
Tristan Reuben
Economic Development
Marco Ruiz Wrobbel
Sponsorships and membership
Benjamin Thompson
Amanda Cisneros
Max Golcynzski
Joseph VanArendonk
Anna Kovalenko
Laura Olson
Assistant to the Mayor at the City of Grand Rapids
Lou Canfield
Chief of Staff to the city manager at the City of grand rapids
Leonardo Tombelli
Emeritus Director